Upcoming Mtgs:

  • January 29, 2025 @1:00 PM

Training for all locations is at the Waco Clinic:

601 W. Loop 340, Waco, TX 76712

Volunteer/Observing/Job Shadowing Program:

  • We accept high school and college students to learn about careers in pediatric therapy
  • This program is ALL INCLUSIVE. The roles do not separate between volunteering, job shadowing, and observation
  • No patient care or hands on training is conducted. All access to patients is fully supervised
  • You will be in charge of scheduling and keeping track of your own hours after completing your training
  • Our office manager or therapists will sign your school form (to verify completion of your hours served)

You must complete ALL criteria in order to participate in this program: 

  • Complete a group training course (onsite at our Waco clinic – no individual trainings offered)
  • Complete and return a volunteer application and HIPPA form (forms located to the right)
  • Bring a background check from your school or provide $15 to have one completed
    *In order to provide the highest safety for our staff, patients and volunteers, participation in the Elite program is contingent on the background check.

Once you have completed a training, you will receive the link to sign up for hours that are conducive to your schedule.


Register for upcoming training:


“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time… they just have the heart.”

Through observing, volunteering and shadowing Elite Therapy Center is committed to providing educational services to the community.




You must complete and bring these forms to the front office for further training. Please fill out Student Information Form and HIPPA form, print, and bring into the clinic when arriving to volunteer.

>> Click PDF links below to print

Pay for your background check here:

$ Pay Here

  1. Fill in all information for billing
  2. Use YOUR Name in ‘Patient Name’
  3. Under Therapy Service, select >Volunteers
  4. Continue to next screen to pay $16 for BG Check
    * use today’s date as Co-pay Date of Service
    ** Ignore Acct #